We support a variety of ministries and have several missionaries who attend our church. Listed below are some of these ministries along with a brief description of what they do.

Our mission is to serve to defend, shelter, empower and love survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and the men, women and children working in prostitution in Costa Rica through intervention, prevention, and restoration.

Contact: Elizabeth Gilroy - elizabeth@faceofjustice.org
Steve Gilroy - steve@faceofjustice.org 
Telephone:  Elizabeth (506) 7187.7719, Steve (506) 8886.0337

Association Face of Justice Ministries

International Baptist Convention

A fellowship of English-language churches and missions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South America which cooperate to carry out the Great Commission. The Convention is comprised of more than 70 churches and missions located in 27 countries. Visit them at www.ibc-churches.org.

Fishers of Men Ministries

A ministry to "Help people to help themselves." They work with families and children in poverty to help improve their living conditions and share with them the gospel.

Contact Steve Semler - ifish4you@gmail.com
Telephone:  (506) 8838.8585
Check them out on Facebook here

Guadalupe Gathering Place

A bilingual church located in Centro Cristiano on the west side of the central park in Guadalupe on the east side of San Jose. 

Contact: Andy Gordley at jordosam@juno.com
Telephone: +506 2225.2125
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GuadalupeGatheringPlace. 

An organization that focuses on restoring the dignity of those living in poverty in La Carpio. They help minister to people by providing job training, educational assistance and violence prevention. 

Contact: Seth Sears at seth.r.sears@gmail.com
Telephone: +506 8973.4904
Web: http://www.give-dignity.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/giveDIGNITY

Give Dignity

This local ministry focuses on providing food and supplies to widows and single mothers who live in the neighborhood around IBC. You can find pictures and contact info here

Hombres y Mujeres de Dios en Acción

An English Speaking church in Jaco who's mission is to make fully functioning followers of Christ. Contact Pastor Daniel Barrett at daniel@horizonchurchjaco.org, 8996-2685, www.horizonchurchjaco.org

Horizon Church

This is a Spanish church IBC has helped start on the northern side of San Jose. They are located in Buenos Aires in the town of Palmares. Contact Pastor Enoc Otarola, enocotarola@yahoo.com, 6103-8356. 

Iglesia Bautista de Palmares

This ministry involves numerous activities ranging from working in search-and-rescue for victims of natural disasters to serving in prison ministries and counseling. They also have done various missions work in  Puerto Lempira, Honduras and Cuba. Contact Nery and Pam Duarte at 2268-9536, 8870-0272, 8332-2115,nerypamduarte@gmail.comwww.lamcanada.ca

Latin America Mission Canada

This is an English speaking church plant in Panama City, Panama which is supported by IBC and Converge Worldwide. Contact them via their website www.lifebridgeic.com

LifeBridge International Church in Panama City

A ministry located in San Jose. They reach out to children in impoverished areas and hope to bring lasting change through evangelism, kids programs, discipleship groups, Mission trips to the indigenous areas of Costa Rica, Youth Events, Support for a feeding center connected to a local church, and TCU programs.
Contact Jose Gonzalez and Renate Fast at metro.ministries.cr@gmail.com or 8527-0522, 8588-6018, or check out their site

Metro Ministries

A non-profit, non-sectarian organization that strives to see Ministries of Education and salvation of the Lord Jesus in classrooms. Contact Holly Davidson at 8560-2534, 2280-5294, holly_lyda@hotmail.com, www.projectjesusforchildren.com or www.facebook.com/JesusForChildren

Project Jesus for Children

A premier international education ministry that provides theological training at the master's level in Spanish for Christian leaders on four continents. An undergraduate-level missions certificate program is also offered. 

Contact: Ted Kautzman - ted.kautzmann@efca.org
Telephone: +506 2226-4041 or  +506 2227-2119
Web: http://www.latn.org or http://www.pro-meta.org


A Skater ministry fueled by the desire to change the lives of young people for Jesus in the underprivileged areas of La Carpio and other areas.  Their director, Steve "Lalo" Edwards, has been in La Carpio since '05 and launched Skate La Carpio in 2011. In 2012, he founded Skate Costa Rica which is located in San Antonio Escazu. They are also very involved w the local Muni in Escazu and have weekly Skate Churches in La Carpio and Belén. Contact Steve Edwards, 8979-5843, Lalodelacarpio@gmail.comfacebook.com/LalodeLaCarpio, or check out the blog here. 

Skate Costa Rica

A ministry that helps entire families make the transition from their home country to their mission field by providing loving child care and Christ-centered education for children of all ages, in a setting that enables them to make friends with young people from Costa Rica and other countries. Contact: admissions@thespanishinstitute.com,counseling@thespanishinstitute.com, 2227-7366, 

Sojourn Acadamy

A new English speaking church plant in Tamarindo, Costa Rica dedicated to making disciples of Jesus. Contact Pastor Lyle Watson, lyletamarindo@gmail.com, 8868-0871,www.tamarindochurch.com

Tamarindo Church

A ministry dedicated to touchig the loves of people in need with as many blessings possible, while establishing a foundation of faith through the Gospel of Jesus and the advancement of God's Kingdom. Contact Glenn Schecher, 8856-5021,


The Answer Foundation

A place for those hoping to use the Spanish language in cross cultural ministry. It has helped to prepare many missionaries, pastors and college students for service in the Spanish speaking world. Contact them at: 2227-7366,


The Spanish Language Institute

A prison ministry devoted to sharing the Gospel with inmates, former inmates, their families and victims. Contact Carlos M. Cunningham, vozdelibertadcr@gmail.com, 2276-6234, 8823-9502,www.vozdelibertad.net. 

Voz de Libertad Interncional Ministries

A ministry to high school and middle school students in international communities/schools in Costa Rica. Since 1948, Young Life has helped communities get involved in the lives of kids, introducing them to Jesus and helping them grow in their faith, creating space for kids still checking faith out.  Whether kids are in middle school, high school or college; whatever their interests or abilities; Young Life is for every kid!   
You can see their website http://vidajoven.cr/younglife/

Young Life Costa Rica & Wyldlife